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Strategy for tough times

In 2016 equities markets did not meet the favourable expectations that had been created due to the loss of the attractiveness of deposits in a zero interest rate environment. Geopolitical uncertainties fostered a high degree of volatility, which generated added difficulties in channelling investments and creating business. Even still, Bankinter was able to defend its cash share among retail customers, and even achieved growth in the number of new securities accounts and cash deposited.

These achievements were possible owing to the reinforcement of its team structure, driven by the constant quest for excellence; to a greater effort in advisory work, which is especially recommendable at a time of great disorientation among clients, and more intensive use of digital tools.

This allowed us to open 10,913 new securities accounts, and Equities was second ranked among the businesses capturing market share, with 1,102 million euros in individuals. Profit increased by 9.71%, amounting to 48 million.

Of particular importance was the effort to recover former customers, and the presentation of personalized offers through the Branch network. Our aim is to persevere in both lines of work throughout 2017.


Bankinter also redoubled its initiatives to improve its customer's knowledge, as shown by the holding of the first 'Forum Bolsa' 100% online, which reached 1,832 participants throughout Spain, and 16 in-person sessions that took place in Murcia, Malaga, Madrid, Las Palmas, Vitoria, Logroño, León, Valencia, Barcelona, Bilbao, Puerto de Santamaría, Toledo and Lanzarote At the same time, ongoing training of agents continued, as an element that is essential for quality service. Novelties for 2017 include the implementation of the Bankinter 'Broker Academy'.

The Bank improved its digital platforms through its characteristic interactive graphics and it developed a powerful search engine that allows one to select from among 735 exchange traded funds (ETFs), replicating a specific benchmark index. The settlement scheme is aligned with European standards, following adaptation of the operation to the requirements set out in the latest reform of the securities market.

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