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An Annual Report looking to the future

The preparation of the Bankinter 2017 Integrated Annual Report takes into consideration the most advanced criteria of transparency and corporate communication. In particular, the report meets the requirements that the new European directives establish in relation to non-financial reporting and disclosure of diversity information.

The directive, which was transposed into Spanish law in November 2017, requires large companies to disclose information on their social, labour and environmental management, particularly in relation to their diversity policy (especially with respect to corporate governance) with the aim of increasing the confidence of investors, customers and other stakeholders.  

Bankinter has reported detailed information on the aspects covered by the directive for several years now, in anticipation of the new legal framework.

The content of the 2017 Integrated Annual Report is also in line with the most rigorous of international recommendations. With this in mind, its attention is not only focussed on what happened last year, but also on the projects and objectives for 2018, with the aim of sharing the Bank's future outlook and likely evolution with all its various stakeholders. In this regard, the report provides information on Bankinter's strategy and business model.

The report starts with individual interviews with the chairman and the chief executive officer, in which they take a global approach to explaining the most important aspects of the Bank's results and activities, and the main characteristics of the economic and financial environment. The rest of the content structure includes detailed descriptions of the main results for the financial year, the corporate governance policy, risk management, business activities, the human factor and the sustainability strategy, among other chapters. 

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